Friday, July 29, 2011

Only one week left!

Hello everyone!  So sorry that I haven't posted lately!  The wifi has been off in my dorm room and the only place I can write this is outside or in the cafeteria.  I have been so busy with classes and rehearsals!  I am having so much fun though!  I am learning so much!  It's crazy!  Our piece is coming together!  Rehearsals have been going great!  We have to finish the ending and then we are pretty much done!  We already have twelve minutes of choreography done and it's not even finished yet!  It's going to be a great piece!  I wish you all could see it!  Tomorrow (Saturday) after a two hour modern class and rehearsal, we are going to the Highline.  I don't really know much about it, but that it used to be a train track???  I'm anxious to see it because people say it's really cool.  Tomorrow night, we are going to see a performance.  I don't really know too much about the group, but people say that they are amazing.  I wish I could remember the name.  I'll tell you all more about it once I've seen it.  Sunday, we are going to see a Broadway show!  I know I told you all that we were going to see a show on Wednesday, but that got changed to Sunday.  Sunday morning, we are going to the TKTS line to buy the tickets at a discounted price.  We won't know what we are going to see until that day because tickets are limited.  All I want to see is a show on Broadway!  That's all I care about!  In between buying tickets and seeing the show, we are going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the Alexander Queen exhibit.  I don't know much about the exhibit, but once again, people say it's really cool.  I will be so busy this weekend!  I better get some rest!  Talk to you all soon!

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