Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 5

Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while, but the wifi connection wasn't working for the past few days.  I have learned sooooooooooo much these past few days!  It's incredible.  Today I had ballet and partnering in the morning.  Ballet was great.  The teacher likes to go back to the basics which allows us to really concentrate on our placement.  In partnering, we danced to contemporary music which was a lot of fun.  We did a cool shoulder sit lift at the end which was really fun as well.  In modern, we are learning the Lamone techinique.  It's great to know different modern techniques, and I haven't had that much experience with Lamone.  Our modern teacher, Risa Steinberg, really concentrates about the connection of the body to the floor.  She also wants us to relax.  That's kind of hard for me because I am always pulled up.  I have found it difficult just to let go.  I am learning from a whole different perspective.  After modern, we had ballroom.  We did the salsa, the waltz, and the tango today.  It is so much fun!  I never thought that I would enjoy ballroom, but I actually do!  I still have to go to rehearsal today at 6:00.  The past few days in rehearsal, we had to create our own phrase of choreography.  We then had to do the phrase and actually say out loud what we were doing.  I found that very hard to do the step and say what we were doing at the same time.  I've never done that before and it was interesting to hear what others think about when they are doing a step.  Our choreography is very interesting.  It is very different from anything that I've ever done.  I love it!  Tonight, we have a "jam session" with the summer percussion students.  All of the dancers will be dancing to the music made by the percussionists.  It will be a lot of fun!  Tomorrow, all of the dancers have a ballet master class with the dance director of Juilliard!  That should be fun!  I can't believe a week is almost over!  I have learned so much in so little time!  Thanks for reading!

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