Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day week done!

What a fun day!  We started out the day with a ballet master class with the Juilliard Dance Director, Lawrence Rhodes.  It was a great class!  All 44 dancers were in there so it was a little crowded.  Other than that, it was great!  I really liked his style!  After class, we had rehearsal.  Rehearsal has been going well this week.  We have a lot of material in our heads, so it's a little overwhelming.  The piece is coming along really well.  After rehearsal, we had some free time!  Some of us went shopping and then saw a free dance performance in Central Park.  The Keigwin company performed and it was amazing!  I loved all of the pieces!  It was very contemporary!  Today was a really hot day out so we were all sweating when we were watching them perform.  It was awesome to sit outside at night and watch a performance.  I have never had that experience before.  Tomorrow we are going to Governor's Island where you can see the Statue of Liberty really well.  I'm really excited!  One week down and two more to go!  Already a third of the way done!  WOW!  Thanks for reading!  Hope that you're enjoying it!

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