Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 2

Today was a great day!  I am so exhausted!!  Today, we started out with ballet and pointe.  The teacher was great!  I learned a lot from her!  She explained things from a different perspective and it really worked for me.  After that class, we had modern class with Ms. Steinberg in the Glorya Kaufman studio (that's the studio with all the windows that overlooks Broadway!!)  Modern class was great!  I love her style of modern technique!  We also had ballroom class which was surprisingly fun!  I have never taken ballroom class before so I was quite nervous.  It was a lot of fun!  We learned the basics of the tango, swing, and the merengue.  After ballroom, we had "understanding technique."  I'm learning a lot about anatomy already from that class!  Later, we had rehearsal from 6:00-8:00.  We are accomplishing so much already!  We already have two long phrases done!  Also, we had a chance to do some improvisation.  We created our own phrase using opposing pairs of words such as spacious and crowded and round and linear.  Everyone came up with some neat phrases.  We might use our own choreography in the piece.  Today was a very long day and I am exhausted!  But other than the exhaustion, I am already learning a lot and enjoying myself!

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