Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 8

Week 2 has officially begun!  It started off well!  This morning we had pointe and modern.  In our pointe class, we start off in center with no shoes on.  We work on our posture and holding in our core.  I feel that it really works for me.  After the center work, we do some barre work in flat shoes.  Then, we do pointe work.  I like her pointe work because we actually jump in our pointe shoes.  Jumping in pointe shoes is really hard, so I enjoy the extra practice.  The pointe teacher is really nice.  She's very personal too, which is a good thing.  In modern, we added on to some of the center work.  Last week, we kind of touched over the basics of the Lamone modern technique, so this week I think the work is going to get more advanced.  I am so excited for that!  I've learned so much about modern just in this one week!  I love the teacher too!  She's short which is awesome too!  This afternoon, we had music class and a workshop.  In music, we were given a beat (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,...) and we had to make choreography to it.  We were in groups and at the end of the class, we had to perform it.  Our group was the best!  It was awesome!  Everyone liked ours!  It was a lot of fun!  I'm learning a lot about keeping an even tempo and just about music in general.  I think it's a great class for dancers to take because dancers must have a good ear for music.  In the workshop (after music class), we began learning the Alexander technique.  The Alexander technique is basically a technique that makes sure that your neck and head are placed correctly on the spine.  The technique was actually developed by an actor (Alexander) in the 1800s who kept losing his voice, and didn't know why.  He spent 9 years developing this techinque that softened his neck muscles and other muscles, so that he wouldn't keep losing his voice.  Each of us individually stood up like we normally do, and the teacher fixed our positions.  It was crazy to see how some people's posture changed when she told them to fix one thing.  I felt that the class was very worth-while.  Tonight in rehearsal, we have finally started piecing some things together.  The choreography is very neat, but it's no where near being finished.  We have a lot of choreography, but it just needs to be put into the piece.  I think it will turn out well.  I'm excited to do the finished product!  This Wednesday, we get out of rehearsal early because we are going to see a Broadway show!!!  I'm so excited!  I've wanted to go so badly!  We don't know what we're seeing yet because the RA's are getting the tickets at a discounted price, so we won't know what we'll be able to see until the day of the show.  I am just so excited that we are going.  I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see a show!  I am just oozing with excitement!  I can't wait until Wednesday!!  Well, I am going to read until I fall asleep!  I'll keep you all updated!  Hope you're enjoying reading about my day!   

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