Monday, July 18, 2011

My First Day

 The Glorya Kaufman dance studio! This overlooks Broadway!!

 The Juilliard theatre.  (the summer students don't perform on this stage)

What a relief!  The first day has come and gone!  We started out the day with a placement class in ballet and pointe.  The class was taught by one of the Juilliard professors from the college dance faculty.  He was great!  After placement class, we went on a tour of the Juilliard building!  It was so confusing!!  We got to see the theatre that the college dance students perform in.  It was beautiful and HUGE!  We also got to see the Glorya Kaufman Dance Studio which is the studio on the second floor overlooking Broadway!  I hope I get the chance to dance in that studio!!  We also got to see the academic rooms.  They were very small!  Also, we were told that only about 900 students go to Juilliard each year!  That is small!  After the tour, we ate lunch.  After lunch, we had modern class.  It was great.  All of the summer intensive students (44) took the class so it was a little crowded.  Other than that, it was awesome!  I loved the teacher!  She was so nice and funny too!!  After modern, we had a class called "Understanding Techinque" with an anatomy teacher (she teaches the college students during the year).  She told us some interesting things about the body.  It was very informative.  After that class, we had dinner.  Then, we went off to rehearsals.  There are four pieces in the show, and everyone was casted in one piece.  I was casted in a piece that is contemporary.  It is amazing!  I love the choreography and the choreographer is very nice and laid back!  I think the piece will be great!  We already accomplished so much and we only had one rehearsal!  All in all, my first day went really well!  I am exhausted!  Keep on following!

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