Friday, August 5, 2011

Last Day

Well, today is the last day that I will be at Juilliard.  This morning, we took ballet class and had rehearsal for the performances.  Our first performance at 2 pm went very well.  We have another one at 5:30 pm.  My parents are coming!  I have learned so much in such a short amount of time!  All of the teachers have been awesome, and I am sad to leave.  I am definitely glad to be going home though!  It's been the experience of a life time!  Tonight, there is a party for all of the dancers in the lounge!  That should be fun.  Tomorrow, we are leaving Juilliard around 7 am.  After we leave, we are visiting SUNY Purchase College.  It's about 30 to 40 minutes from the city.  Then, we are going HOME!  I should be home late tomorrow night!  This has been one of the best three weeks ever!  I am so glad that I chose to come here! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Only 2 Days Left! wow

Today was great!  I had ballet, partnering, ballroom, and modern.  All of the classes were great.  After rehearsal tonight, we went to an outside performance.  It was raining, so we had to use our umbrellas!  It was an awesome show.  Tomorrow we have a run-through of our show.  In the show, we are doing some ballroom, our choreography for music class, and the piece done by the choreographer.  It will be a great show!  My parents are coming in tomorrow night!  I can't wait to see them!  Well, I better get to sleep!  Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Last Monday..

Hello everyone!  The wifi connection has been down again, so sorry for the delay of my posts.  Yesterday (Sunday) was so much fun!  We started out the day by going to Times Square and getting Broadway tickets at a discounted price from the TKTS line.  We had to wait in line for a while, but it was so worth it!  We went to the 3:00 showing of Mary Poppins!  It was amazing!  I loved every second of it.  The show was performed at the New Amsterdam Theatre.  It was beautiful!  The whole show itself was amazing!  I've never seen anything like it!  We took the subway many times yesterday!  I actually don't like the subway.  It's way too crowded for my comfort.  On Saturday, we went to a flea market instead of going to the Highline.  The flea market was fun.  I bought souvenirs for both of my awesome parents.  Today, I had ballet, partnering, modern, and music class.  In music class, we have divided up into groups of five or more, and we have to put choreography to a long set of counts that the teacher provided for us.  The counts are tricky, so choreographing something is difficult.  In our choreography, me and another guy are going to use our tap shoes for part of our dance.  It's going to be awesome!  In rehearsal today, we didn't do too much because our 16 minute piece is finished.  I can't believe our piece is that long!  That's crazy!  I love it though!  I've never done anything like it.  The piece is very verbal, meaning that we actually talk and yell and even flirt in the piece!  Yes, we have to flirt!  Not to anyone in particular.  I just choose to stare at the wall.  I'm so excited that I'm in the piece that I am in because it is so unique.  Like I said, I haven't done anything like it before, so it's cool to do something different.  We aren't allowed to video tape the performance, so only my parents will see the finished piece.  I am exhausted, but excited for the end of the week!  My parents are coming in Thursday night to take me out for ice cream after rehearsal.  Then, we leave Friday night, or Saturday morning--I haven't decided yet.  Today was a great day!  Keep on reading!